Your Act of Kindness Helps Us Improve Their Lives image

Your Act of Kindness Helps Us Improve Their Lives

Pay It Forward

$15,569 raised

$5,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Pay It Forward and Double Your Impact

The Burlington County Animal Shelter (BCAS), an open intake shelter, has been operating nearly at crisis mode while trying to cope with a stream of strays, owner surrendered and abandoned animals. Intake has outpaced adoptions for most of the year leaving the shelter literally with more demand than space.

Friends of the Burlington County Animal Shelter’s mission is to help the save lives of homeless animals and promote their adoption. We also provide programs to improve the quality of life for those animals in the shelter and to alleviate stress on the already overcrowded shelter by endeavoring to keep pets in their homes. Through our Save a Senior program, Friends pre-pays adoption fees for senor dogs and cats (8 years and older) and some special needs animals. Newly formed this year, our Surrender Diversion initiative is dedicated to assisting county pet owners while helping decrease the number of animals brought to the county shelter. The shelter can be a stressful environment, especially for dogs. Friends’ Dog Enrichment program helps make shelter dogs' time there happier and more fulfilling.

This Giving Tuesday, you can help us help them by donating to one or more of these intiatives. A generous donor has agreed to match each donation up to $5,000. Perform an act of kindness and see your impact doubled.