Your Donation Will Save Lives

Help Homeless Animals in Burlington County

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Help Homeless Animals in Burlington County

Your Act of Kindness Will Save Lives

As an open intake shelter, the Burlington County Animal Shelter is required to take in any animal. Sadly, sometimes they come in with wounds or other injuries. That’s where the Friends of the Burlington County Animal Shelter and donors like you come in.

A single cat or dog can easily require thousands of dollars in medical care and a team of volunteers to coordinate their care and often, foster them, during recovery. Last year, Friends spent $146K in advanced medical costs for shelter-owned dogs and cats.

Your donation helps ensure that funds are available so we can continue to help homeless animals, like Bones and Lilo, who needed specialized medical treatment. Your gift will be matched dollar for dollar thanks to a generous donor!

A beautiful pit bull, Bones needed urgent life-saving surgery after animal control found him abandoned in a hotel with a serious injury to his left hind leg. He suffered a previous injury that went untreated and had been biting at it while left alone. It became so bad, that the bones stuck out of what was left of his leg. It was determined that to save his life, his leg had to be amputated. Friends graciously covered the $2,500 surgical costs. Bones recovered in a foster home and has since been adopted.

Lilo is a beautiful, spirited six-month-old brown tabby, being cared for in a foster home. Lilo wasn’t growing like her siblings and her foster dad noticed that she was always congested. She was treated for upper respiratory infections several times, but her congestion and snoring continued to progressively get worse. Further examination showed a very large polyp located near veins and an artery, which was affecting her breathing and swallowing. Due to the location of the polyp, this surgery is very tricky but urgent. Her surgical costs of $1,300 will be paid by Friends.